Ben's Blog

DROP VOICINGS Explained: Drop 2, Drop 3 and Bey...
Today, I have a special lesson for you on Chord Voicings — particularly, how you can utilize Drop Voicings to expand your chordal vocabulary on guitar. Make sure to watch...
DROP VOICINGS Explained: Drop 2, Drop 3 and Bey...
Today, I have a special lesson for you on Chord Voicings — particularly, how you can utilize Drop Voicings to expand your chordal vocabulary on guitar. Make sure to watch...

Bach For Modern Guitarists: Scales, Modes and A...
It’s no secret that I’ve long been fascinated by the correlation between J.S. Bach’s Baroque-era compositional approach and 20th-century contemporary harmony, leading all the way up to the present day....
Bach For Modern Guitarists: Scales, Modes and A...
It’s no secret that I’ve long been fascinated by the correlation between J.S. Bach’s Baroque-era compositional approach and 20th-century contemporary harmony, leading all the way up to the present day....

Echoes Of The Rain: New Music On The Way?
You might have noticed that I’ve been releasing some new music videos lately—I’m really glad to see so many of you have been open to hearing new music from me....
Echoes Of The Rain: New Music On The Way?
You might have noticed that I’ve been releasing some new music videos lately—I’m really glad to see so many of you have been open to hearing new music from me....

The Secret To Giant Steps: Arpeggios
Our discussion today will focus on dissecting a famous Major 3rd interval-based concept that has been a cornerstone of contemporary improvised soloing for more than half a century. This happens...
The Secret To Giant Steps: Arpeggios
Our discussion today will focus on dissecting a famous Major 3rd interval-based concept that has been a cornerstone of contemporary improvised soloing for more than half a century. This happens...

50k YouTube Subscribers & 'Electrical Storm'
Earlier this week, I reached the milestone of 50,000 subscribers on YouTube. As promised, I wrote, recorded, and filmed a new song (with an accompanying video) to thank all of...
50k YouTube Subscribers & 'Electrical Storm'
Earlier this week, I reached the milestone of 50,000 subscribers on YouTube. As promised, I wrote, recorded, and filmed a new song (with an accompanying video) to thank all of...

5 Steps To Perfecting Guitar Practice
There are three questions I'm most frequently asked by both aspiring and professional musicians: How much do you practice? How much should I be practicing? I’m not sure what to...
5 Steps To Perfecting Guitar Practice
There are three questions I'm most frequently asked by both aspiring and professional musicians: How much do you practice? How much should I be practicing? I’m not sure what to...